Simple Ways to Detox Toxins from your Body

Detoxification is a popular buzzword these days! The body naturally detoxifies itself by eliminating harmful substances through the kidneys, liver, digestive system, skin, and lungs. However, there are SO many nasty pollutants, chemicals, heavy metals, and processed foods in our world today that our bodies are just too burdened from the toxic load.  There are very simple, cheap ways you can support your body in detoxing the toxins that enter your system, even without you knowing it. Try and see which you like! 

  1. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is exactly how it sounds.  You simply brush your dry skin.  This easy-to-do practice will improve your circulation, awaken your lymphatic system to excrete toxins and even reduce cellulite. You can dry brush any time of day, but it is easiest right before you shower or a sauna session.  Start from the bottom of your feet and move upwards towards your heart.  For your arms, start at your fingertips and move towards your shoulder.

  1. Tongue Scraping

If you haven’t been tongue scraping, this is a must! It is an ancient Ayurvedic practice. Every morning, before you even drink water, take a tongue scraper and scrape from the back of your tongue to the front. You will notice white film coming off (yuck) so rinse and repeat. Tongue scraping removes mucus and toxic buildup in the mouth that collected overnight. Scraping reduces the reabsorption of these toxins so this is a no brainer! Go for a stainless steel or copper scraper over plastic.

  1. Contrast Showers

Did you know that simply alternating hot and cold water in your shower can help you detoxify? The hot water promotes circulation and lymphatic drainage. The cold water contracts the blood vessels, which can give you a huge energy boost. Try alternating hot/cold for 30 second intervals the next time you shower.

  1. Salt Baths

Epson Salt is a tried-and-true way to eliminate toxins. Epson salt contains magnesium and sulfate which eases muscles, draws toxins out and increases circulation. Simply add 2 cups of Epson salts to a warm bath and soak and enjoy for at least 20 minutes!

There are so many more ways to detox such as castor oil packs, sauna sessions and many supplements I will be sure to cover in future blogs!